Watchmen: The End is Nigh is a video game that serves as a prequel to the film adaptation of the DC Comics limited series Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. The game takes place in the 1970s, where players control the Comedian and Nite Owl as they uncover a plot by a villain who is trying to discredit all past and present superheroes.

Your protagonists

Nite Owl

A feral, street-wise fighter who can disarm enemies to use their own weapons against them


A refined fighter who uses martial arts expertise and high-tech wizardry

Your combos & finishers

The game features a variety of combos and finishing moves, which can be used in conjunction with the characters' fighting styles. You can check them out below.

Where to buy

You can buy the game on the following platforms. Click on the logos to go to the store pages.